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Book Fairs This April.

Happy New Month everyone and Happy Birthday in advance to all April babies including yours truly😉 It's a new month and the temperatures are finally getting better for most us which is the perfect excuse to be outside. What is better than reading indoors you ask? Going to a book fair that's what! Just imagine all those books and the authors.  So mark these dates on your calendar and get ready for a month of books and travel.  I would also like to thank Karim Harraz from  Kotobee Blog  whose comprehensive list made this post possible.  Bologna Children’s Book Fair Bologna, Italy April 1-4 This fair is centered around children's content. However after taking place for more than five decades it's worth checking out. Québec International Book Fair Quebec, Canada April 10-14 This is a yearly gathering of readers. There will be displays of comics, novels, graphics, toys, games, merchandise and films. The Abu Dhabi International

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